Maria Josephine P. Catolico, CPA

Head of Accounting, SPEED Money Transfer Japan K.K. Corporate Secretary and Treasurer,
SPEED Japan Consulting Services, Inc.
Expertise: Business Accounting and Finance

An expert in making accurately updated insights and analysis out of any available data that translate into viable business solutions and strategies that are practicable and workable for every company department or sector. Her track record consists of 12 years working in an International Money Remittance company, 15 years banking experience in an overseas branch of one of the top 5 Philippine universal banks, 7 years experience in the airline industry working for the Philippine national flag carrier, and  2 years experience in the finance department of an embassy. She is a Certified Public Accountant having obtained her Business Administration Accounting Major from the University of the Philippines Visayas, a Certified FX & Money Market Dealer, and a Licensed Professional Real Estate Broker.

Maria Josephine P. Catolico公認会計士
Speed Money Transfer Japan株式会社経理部長、Speed Japan Consulting Services, Inc. 経営企画室長、財務部長


Contact us to get Ms. Catolico’s full credentials.

Ms. Maria Josephine P. Catolico, CPA

Reynaldo Sanchez

Head Consultant for Language & Communications Training, R&G Language Consultants;
Managing Director, RGVS Visa Consultancy
Expertise: Effective Socio-Interpersonal Communications

An expert in devising simple and easily doable strategies that create effective communications, mutual understanding, and  fruitful interactions. He had conducted one to one training and motivation sessions, team building seminars for company employees as well as Talks on Spiritual and Relational Topics for Spiritual Communities.   He has a Diploma in English Language & Communications from London School of English as well as a Teacher’s Diploma of the same discipline from the same school. Having studied Theology at the Maryvale Institute in Birmingham, England, he also has a good background in Faith, Religion and Spiritual Matters.

Reynaldo Sanchez
R&Gランゲージ・コンサルタンツ 言語・コミュニケーショントレーニング部門ヘッドコンサルタント、RGVS ビザコンサルティングマネージングディレクター

効果的なコミュニケーション、相互理解、実りある交流を生み出す、シンプルで簡単に実行できる戦略を考案するエキスパート。これまで、1対1のトレーニングやモチベーション・セッション、会社員向けのチーム・ビルディング・セミナー、スピリチュアル・コミュニティー向けのスピリチュアルで人間関係に関するトピックの講演などを実施。 ロンドン・スクール・オブ・イングリッシュで英語とコミュニケーションのディプロマを取得。英国バーミンガムのメアリーヴェイル・インスティテュートで神学を学び、信仰、宗教、スピリチュアルな事柄にも精通している。

Contact us to get Mr. Sanchez’ full credentials.

Mr. Reynaldo Sanchez

Dr. Grace Gorospe – Jamon, Ph.D.

President, Lapu-Lapu – Cebu International College Inc.
Expertise: Education

Dr. Grace Gorospe-Jamon forged her career in education, assuming diverse roles from being a faculty member to eventually directing the extension program of University of the Philippine’s extension program in Pampanga and Olongapo. She earned her Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of the Philippines and on the same university worked as dean of the Development Academy of the Philippines Graduate School. She was also the executive director of the Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC) and was president of the Association of Schools of Public Administration in the Philippines (ASPAP). She is also part of Geneva Center for Leadership and Public Policy as a mentor resource person based in Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Jamon was awarded as FWN 2022 Most Influential Filipina Woman in the World (Thought Leader and Innovator Category) in Lisbon Portugal.

Grace Gorospe-Jamon博士(Ph. D.)
Lapu-Lapu – Cebu International College Inc.社長

Grace Gorospe-Jamon博士は、教育界でキャリアを積み、教員から最終的にはフィリピン大学のパンパンガ州とオロンガポ州のエクステンション・プログラムの責任者まで、さまざまな役割を担う。フィリピン大学で政治学の博士号を取得し、同大学でフィリピン大学院開発アカデミーの学部長を務めた。フィリピン社会科学評議会(PSSC)事務局長、フィリピン行政大学院協会(ASPAP)会長も務めた。また、スイスのジュネーブを拠点とするGeneva Center for Leadership and Public Policyのメンター・リソースパーソンでもある。ジャモン博士は、リスボン・ポルトガルで開催されたFWN 2022 Most Influential Filipina Woman in the World (Thought Leader and Innovator Category)を受賞した。

Contact us to get Dr. Jamon’s full credentials.

Dr. Grace Gorospe – Jamon, Ph.D.