Dr. Fumio Watanabe, Ph.D.

Consultant for Regulatory Matters, SPEED Money Transfer Japan K.K., Professor Emeritus, Sophia University 
Expertise: Cross-Cultural Psychology, Intercultural Education and Training

An expert in cognitive strategy for intercultural interactions and its application to intercultural education and training. He had conducted training for Honda, Nissan, Volvo, Nippon Express, NSK, JICA and other global companies in the past, and more recently, for an American company in Japan. Dr. Watanabe holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from Sophia (Jochi) University. He was formerly a senior lecturer at University of the Philippines at Diliman, a research associate at East West Center in Hawaii, and a JICA expert assigned to Indonesia. Dr. Watanabe was a professor at the Sophia University’s Department of Education, Faculty of Human Sciences until his retirement in March, 2014, and is now Professor Emeritus. He has published fourteen books in his area of specialization.

渡邊文夫 博士(Ph. D.) 
スピードマネートランスファージャパン株式会社 相談役(規制担当)、上智大学名誉教授
専門: 異文化館心理学、異文教育 


Contact us to get Dr. Watanabe’s full credentials.

Dr. Fumio Watanabe, Ph.D.

Dr. Maria A. Beebe, Ph.D.

President, Kaisipan Organization
Expertise: Education and Leadership

Dr. Maria A. Beebe has made it her personal goal to link higher education with global sustainable development; to balance social and environmental concerns with economic development; and to use ICTs for global engagement. Her key ICT projects: Knowledge Exchange & Learning Partnerships. NetTel@Africa. Afghan eQuality Alliances. Maria co-edited AfricaDotEdu and edited three books about the leadership of global Filipina women. Maria is a Department of Anthropology affiliate at Portland State University.

Maria A. Beebe博士(Ph. D.)
Kaisipan Organization 社長

Maria A. Beebe博士は、高等教育を世界の持続可能な開発と結びつけること、社会的・環境的配慮と経済発展のバランスをとること、情報通信技術をグローバルな活動に活用することを個人的な目標としている。彼女の主な情報通信技術プロジェクトは「Knowledge Exchange & Learningパートナーシップ」「 NetTel@Africa」「Afghan eQuality Alliances」です。さらに、AfricaDotEduを共同編集し、グローバルなフィリピン人女性のリーダーシップに関する3冊の本を編集。現在ポートランド州立大学人類学部所属。

Contact us to get Dr. Beebe’s full credentials.

Dr. Maria A. Beebe, Ph.D.

Dr. Elena C. Tesoro, MBM, MSSW, Ph.D.

Owner and Executive Director, AEK Enterprise
Expertise: Education, Community Organizing, Mediation

Dr. Elena C. Tesoro is a licensed social worker and accredited court-annexed mediator of the Supreme Court of the Philippines.   Her significant academic contributions in the social work profession focus on Aetas’ education, gender and development, and community organizing has earned her the Distinguished Social Work Education Award and Outstanding Social Worker of the Philippines in the field of Education and Community Development both by PASWI. She is currently the Co-Chair of the RDC 3 and the Chair of the DHVSU Graduate School MSSW program. Her strong advocacy is proven by her producing top-notchers and the first Aeta Social Worker in Region 3 in the Licensure examinations via her AEK Enterprise Training and Review Center. She has also written and published books and research in the field of social work education. She is also a CPD lecturer and sought-after NGO trainer, consultant, and facilitator.

Dr. Elena C. Tesoro博士(MBM, MSSW, Ph. D.)
AEK Enterprise オーナー兼理事長

Dr. Elena C. Tesoro博士は、ソーシャルワーカーの資格を持ち、フィリピン最高裁判所公認の裁判所附属調停人である。 アエタ(フィリピンの少数民族)の教育、ジェンダーと開発、コミュニティ組織化に焦点を当てたソーシャルワーク専門職における学術的貢献が高く評価され、PASWIから教育・コミュニティ開発分野で特別ソーシャルワーク教育賞とフィリピン優秀ソーシャルワーカー賞を受賞。現在、RDC3の共同議長およびDHVSU大学院MSSWプログラムの議長を務める。AEKエンタープライズ・トレーニング・アンド・レビュー・センター(AEK Enterprise Training and Review Center)を通じて、第3地域初のアエタ・ソーシャルワーカーを輩出。また、ソーシャルワーク教育分野における著書や研究書も出版している。CPD講師、NGOトレーナー、コンサルタント、ファシリテーターとしても活躍。

Contact us to get Dr. Tesoro’s full credentials.

Dr. Elena C. Tesoro, MBM, MSSW, Ph.D.