Nardo T. Pineda
Managing Partner, Thanks Nature Integrated Farm
Expertise: Farming and Organic Agriculture
Nardo graduated cum laude in B.S. Economics from Polytechnic University of the Philippine and holds an MBA from Angeles University. He worked as a Grains Stock Operations Manager at the National Food Authority. He has managed different farms from 2014 to present. Nardo is an Organic Agriculture Production- accredited trainer of TESDA for more than five years, and up the present. He is currently the farm manager and trainer of Sunnyside Integrated Farm and Managing Partner of Thanks Nature Integrated Farm, both of which are located in Pampanga. He has been an organic farming practitioner for more than ten (10) years. Aside from obtaining TESDA accreditation in organic agriculture production, he has also received Agriculture Crop Production, Agro Entrepreneurship and Teaching Method Competency certificates from TESDA. His passion for organic farming and expertise in different areas of agricultural practices continually helps different farmers and owners grow their farms in a more effective, efficient and environmental-friendly way.
Nardo T. Pineda
Thanks Nature Integrated Farm事業パートナー
Nardo T. Pinedaはフィリピン工科大学で経済学部を優等で卒業し、アンヘレス大学でMBAを取得。 National Food Authorityで穀物ストック・オペレーション・マネージャーとして勤務。2014年から現在に至るまで、さまざまな農場を管理している。現在に至るまで5年以上にわたりTESDAの有機農業生産認定トレーナー。現在、パンパンガ州にあるサニーサイド統合農場の農場長兼トレーナー、サンクス・ネイチャー統合農場の共同代表を務める。有機農業の実践者として10年以上のキャリアを持つ。有機農業生産におけるTESDA認定を取得したほか、TESDAから農業作物生産、農業起業家精神、教授法能力証明書を取得。有機農業への情熱と農業実践のさまざまな分野での専門知識は、さまざまな農家や農園主がより効果的、効率的で環境にやさしい方法で農園を発展させる手助けをし続けている。
Contact us to get Mr. Pineda’s full credentials.

Mr. Nardo T. Pineda